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Acid Reflux

Dr. Lin uses advanced, minimally invasive techniques and robotic technology to perform surgeries such as Nissen fundoplication and resolve acid reflux.

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Dr. Clarence Lin, MD. 

General Surgeon & Minimal Invasive Surgeon Serving North Central, West Virginia

Acid reflux causes pain in your chest, commonly known as heartburn, that can be intense and distressing. If you have acid reflux and it isn't improving with lifestyle changes and medication, highly skilled surgeon Clarence Lin, MD, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, can help. Dr. Lin uses advanced, minimally invasive techniques and robotic technology to perform surgeries such as Nissen fundoplication and resolve acid reflux. To find out more about solutions for acid reflux, call Clarence Lin, MD, today and schedule a consultation or use the online form to book an appointment.

Acid Reflux Q&A

  • What is acid reflux?

    Acid reflux (better known as heartburn) is a problem most people experience now and then. Its common name comes from the burning pain you feel in the center of your chest, but the condition actually has nothing to do with your heart.
    Acid reflux occurs when the valve at the top of your stomach - the lower esophageal sphincter or LES - isn't working properly. The LES should open when you swallow, allowing food and liquid to enter your stomach, then close to form a seal.
    If you have acid reflux, the LES isn't strong enough to close fully, and acid travels through it into your esophagus. The acid in your stomach is too strong for the tissue lining your esophagus, so it triggers irritation and inflammation that leads to heartburn.

  • What causes acid reflux?

    Acid reflux is typically due to unhealthy aspects of your lifestyle, such as:
    ● Being overweight or obese● Smoking● Drinking a lot of alcohol● Eating fatty and spicy foods● High caffeine intake
    Certain medicines can increase your chances of developing acid reflux. Heartburn is also a common problem during pregnancy, particularly as the baby gets bigger and pushes your stomach upward. If you have a hiatal hernia, that can make acid reflux symptoms worse, too.

  • How is acid reflux treated?

    An occasional bout of acid reflux isn't too much of a problem, and you can manage the symptoms with over-the-counter antacid medication. However, if you're having heartburn frequently, you might need to take proton-pump inhibitors or histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAS) to reduce the quantity of acid in your stomach.
    It's also vital to address the causes of your acid reflux by losing weight, quitting unhealthy habits, and eating a healthier diet. If these measures still don't resolve your symptoms, Dr. Lin can perform surgery.

  • What surgery would I need for acid reflux?

    The primary surgery for acid reflux is Nissen fundoplication, which involves wrapping the stomach around the top to support the LES. If you have a hiatal hernia, Dr. Lin can surgically repair the damage to stop your stomach from protruding through your diaphragm.
    If you're obese and it's significantly affecting your health, you may benefit from weight loss surgery to help you reach a more appropriate weight. Whatever procedure you need for acid reflux, Dr. Lin uses minimally invasive techniques where possible, such as robotic-assisted surgery, to optimize your results.
    Although acid reflux may seem like a minor problem, it can develop into GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) if left untreated, where chronic, recurring heartburn starts to damage your esophagus. GERD may lead to Barrett's esophagus, a condition that can trigger esophageal cancer.
    If you're experiencing heartburn regularly, contact Clarence Lin, MD, to find out about your treatment options. Call his office or book an appointment online today.

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Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PMSaturday ClosedSunday Closed